
The Cross Orlando is a congregation of people living under the reign of God. We gather together regularly, we're working in all sectors of our city and are always looking for ways to better care for each other. But a great first step in meeting us, is to check out these blogs that our folks manage.

terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

It’s not an earth shattering idea to suggest that part of what makes life meaningful is the friendships that develop over its course. Still, when storms are running through bays and over our homes, it’s nice to be reminded. It’s nice to have people to check on, to offer support or shelter to people you … Continue reading Communality

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terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

If I had to, I think I could do a lot of things. Necessity is a a strong motivator. Passion can be, but seems like it’s harder for folks to connect with. So often it seems like we talk about what we have to do, rather than what we want to do. Knocked around by … Continue reading obligatory

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Rain, Rain

by Ben

The rain has been kind of nuts lately. I was at the grocery store this past Sunday when the south side of downtown got absolutely dumped on by a serious thunder storm. Several places on Michigan and some smaller neighborhood streets were completely flooded blocking traffic. I was walking the dog two nights ago around … Continue reading Rain, Rain

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terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

This Sunday we started talking about the four core values for our little congregation of the church: Story. Peace. Lineage. Life. We mentioned that the Gospel works best as good news to people who need it. Jesus’ message that his advent means the Reign of God has broken into our world forever and that we … Continue reading deep

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terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

I’ve been thinking lately that it can be easy to lose track of your socks. It’s not a new thought. Maybe you lose track of socks from time to time as well. It can happen to the best of us. You go to get dressed and just can’t find a matching pair. You’re all ready … Continue reading socks

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

music in the midst

by Ben

A good song is kind of hard to describe, isn’t it? It’s sound and emotion and memory. The best songs are kind of outside of time. They can transport you into to a place where you heard it first or in the most impactful way. Songs can connect you to other people, or inspire you … Continue reading music in the midst

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terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

I overslept a bit this morning. That rarely happens for me. I usually get up before an alarm clock goes off. Not that I can’t sleep, just that most mornings I wake up naturally and on time. Today I had trouble getting out of bed at the time I had planned. It’s not that I … Continue reading Satisfaction

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

by Ben

How’s your summer going? Seems like everyone is looking forward to, or coming back from a vacation. Vacations can be hard. If there’s nothing that you must do, it can sometimes be hard to land on what you’d like to do. Often the pace of life’s needs and the prevalence of entertainment can crowd out … Continue reading

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Breaking In

by Ben

From the pillar of cloud and fire, to the prophets of old, to the person of Christ…the God described in our scriptures is always breaking into our reality in ways that we can see, hear and touch. Last week several of our young folks celebrated Lord’s Supper for the first time. Martin Luther was pretty … Continue reading Breaking In

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Weight of the World

by Ben

I was in a conversation last week where folk were talking about being too busy. They felt like they needed to eliminate some things from their schedules. I can see that happening. I’m probably, pretty solidly, an introvert. So I have gotten good at finding little corners of my day to be alone and think … Continue reading Weight of the World

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