
The Cross Orlando is a congregation of people living under the reign of God. We gather together regularly, we're working in all sectors of our city and are always looking for ways to better care for each other. But a great first step in meeting us, is to check out these blogs that our folks manage.

terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

I overslept a bit this morning. That rarely happens for me. I usually get up before an alarm clock goes off. Not that I can’t sleep, just that most mornings I wake up naturally and on time. Today I had trouble getting out of bed at the time I had planned. It’s not that I … Continue reading Satisfaction

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

by Ben

How’s your summer going? Seems like everyone is looking forward to, or coming back from a vacation. Vacations can be hard. If there’s nothing that you must do, it can sometimes be hard to land on what you’d like to do. Often the pace of life’s needs and the prevalence of entertainment can crowd out … Continue reading

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Breaking In

by Ben

From the pillar of cloud and fire, to the prophets of old, to the person of Christ…the God described in our scriptures is always breaking into our reality in ways that we can see, hear and touch. Last week several of our young folks celebrated Lord’s Supper for the first time. Martin Luther was pretty … Continue reading Breaking In

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Weight of the World

by Ben

I was in a conversation last week where folk were talking about being too busy. They felt like they needed to eliminate some things from their schedules. I can see that happening. I’m probably, pretty solidly, an introvert. So I have gotten good at finding little corners of my day to be alone and think … Continue reading Weight of the World

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terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

The end of the school year always seems to feel busy. Even if you’re not guiding kids through school, people around you are trying to navigate the end of one year and plan for what comes next. It changes the pace of things for a lot of us. Folks are staring to look toward summer … Continue reading Control?

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

moment by moment

by Ben

Not all moments are the same. High-Low, present-distracted, efficient-meandering, playful-annoying Sometimes it feels like we ought to rank the value, like pick a winner. Maybe life should strive to be a string of high, present, efficient and playful moments. We should avoid low, distracted, meandering and annoying moments. Of course, that’s not reality. Solomon said, … Continue reading moment by moment

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Thy Kingdom Come

by Ben

I’ve been meeting with folks who have filled out our “annual church form.” Being church for each other is not an easy thing to figure out, and there are so many competing relationships and expectations. And yet, I’m finding that as we plan time to engage in conversations of faith, the Gospel is still a … Continue reading Thy Kingdom Come

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

A Good Gift

by Ben

Who are you listening to? I got into a conversation with an old friend yesterday. We caught up on several things, share some good memories and shared a bit about our lives. One story he shared was about a friend, who I’ll call Julio. Recently, Julio and my friend met up for drinks. They had … Continue reading A Good Gift

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Slow it Down

by Ben

slow it down. I feel like Jesus probably had a lot happening. The pressure of bringing along twelve young guys, managing empathy for sick and oppressed people, dodging the judgment of hyper religious power brokers and figuring out where to eat and sleep…kind of a lot going on. But then I also remember that he … Continue reading Slow it Down

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Objectively True

by Ben

I got into a conversation with a friend last week about the Apostle’s Creed. He is studying through it with some folks, it is his first time really looking at it. It was a fun bit of conversation for me because I think the Creed is the coolest. I mentioned to him that in Seminary … Continue reading Objectively True

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