The Cross Orlando is a congregation of people living under the reign of God. We gather together regularly, we're working in all sectors of our city and are always looking for ways to better care for each other. But a great first step in meeting us, is to check out these blogs that our folks manage.

terazzo, coffee, and kids

wrestle it down

by Ben

Last Sunday we talked about the story where Jacob wrestles with God in Genesis 32. There are several ways that Jacob makes a bad role model. There is perhaps just one way in which he makes a good one: when he wrestles with God, Jacob ends up acknowledging that good things are blessings from God…not … Continue reading wrestle it down

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

grace and mercy

by Ben

Two Sundays ago we talked about what a miracle it is that people believe in Jesus, and that the church persists. There are so many reasons why Jesus is an unlikely christ (liberating king). There are so many failures stacked up in the church. The persistence of individual faith along with the continuance of the … Continue reading grace and mercy

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terazzo, coffee, and kids


by Ben

Last week we talked about the greek word ekklessia. It’s usually translated as “church.” In Matthew’s Gospel when Jesus asks his closest disciples who people say that he is, Simon (the leader) responds with the affirmation: You are the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus gives him the name Peter in that moment and says … Continue reading church

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Jesus and the boys

by Ben

I wonder what type of car Jesus would have had. Definitely some sort of utility vehicle, something that could go off road. Jesus spent a fair amount of time off the beaten path. It would need to have room for a crowd. Either a load of the boys in the back of the truck or … Continue reading Jesus and the boys

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

cold and sleep

by Ben

I went to Lake Mary High School. It was longer ago than I like to admit/I can really get my head around. All its hallways are inside, I guess it was built before they started building florida high schools with exterior hallways. I have vivid memories of the hallways, the lockers, where the math wing … Continue reading cold and sleep

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

pragmatically speaking

by Ben

Remember the time that Jesus’ parents lost him for a day or so? They eventually found him a days walk away, hanging out with the teachers at the temple. He was listening and asking them questions. In the way the story is told, Jesus sounds almost surprised that Mary and Joseph didn’t know where to … Continue reading pragmatically speaking

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Doogie Howser MD

by Ben

what really matters? I watched an old Doogie Howser MD episode recently. It’s a 90’s show that ran for a couple of seasons, I was the perfect age to think it was really cool. It’s a sort of “coming of age” story. This kid genius (played by Neil Patrick Harris) becomes a doctor at 16. … Continue reading Doogie Howser MD

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

Just Busy

by Ben

Busy, busy, busy. Mostly I really like being busy; I feel good when I’ve got stuff to do, when I know that I’m accomplishing things, when my job is clear and I know how to get it done. I don’t like when it becomes a default response, “how’s it goin?” “oh fine, just busy.” I … Continue reading Just Busy

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

funny thing

by Ben

The Bible is such a funny thing. It’s got to be the most common of the Holy Scriptures. Christians carry all forms of it and read it in all different sorts of ways. They consult it in trouble, read it in prayer, read large sections in order and take small sections by memory. Of course … Continue reading funny thing

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terazzo, coffee, and kids

comfy shoes

by Ben

I got to wear my comfy shoes to work several days this week. That’s not always the case. I just depends on how the commitments for each day unfold and what I need to be doing. This week lined up so that comfy shoes were an appropriate choice several times. I really like my comfy … Continue reading comfy shoes

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